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Ecological Disaster in Galicia: EFA MEP Ana Miranda Slams Negligence and Demands Action.

In a passionate address, Galician MEP Ana Miranda spoke up against the environmental catastrophe plaguing the coasts of Galicia, initiating an urgent and necessary debate at the European level. The disaster, triggered by the tide of pellets inundating Galician beaches, has shown the lack of an effective response from the Galician government.

December 8 marked the beginning of this tragedy, and five days later, the first pellets reached Galician shores. However, Miranda highlighted that the Galician government's reaction was belated, reflecting an evident denial of the magnitude of the problem. The EFA MEP criticized the lack of coordination and inaction, stating that it took a month for the government to activate the anti-pollution plan and alert.

"On the 4th of January, the Galician Government addressed the municipalities, almost a month later, to tell them that it was their responsibility to clean the beaches. Faced with the inaction of the Galician Government, they had to clean up on their own, feeling abandoned and overwhelmed.

MEP Miranda emphasized the courageous response of mayors, such as Maria Lago from Muros, and volunteers who were forced to clean the beaches alone, feeling abandoned and overwhelmed. "Galiza non está soa" (Galicia is not alone), stressed the MEP, thanking the support of MEPs from different parliamentary groups.

“Thank you to the MEPs from 5 groups for signing the letter that we will send to you, Commissioner. Galiza non está soa!”

The MEP did not hold back in criticising the Popular Party government, accusing them of negligence, manipulation, and lack of transparency. The crisis management, likened to the Prestige disaster, was harshly condemned.  "Their audacity doesn't end here," Miranda remarked, referring to the fact that Xunta (Galician regional government) assigned the pellet cleanup to a marketing company linked to the Popular Party.

"This is a clear case of denial of the catastrophe (just listen to the PP MEPs repeating slogans), of improvisation, manipulation, negligence in management and lack of transparency. The PP government calls more than 1000 sacks of pellets that keep arriving on our shores "BOLITAS DE PLÁSTICO" (little plastic balls)”

In her demands, Miranda urged the consideration of pellets as hazardous goods to prevent accidental losses and their inclusion in the new microplastics loss regulation, with a specific focus on maritime transport. The EFA MEP concluded her speech by reaffirming that Galiza cannot be Europe's dumping ground and deserves a responsible government.

"Because Galicia cannot be the dumping ground of Europe, it deserves more, and above all, a responsible government.

With a protest scheduled in Santiago on the 21st of January, to denounce the crisis management, EFA MEP Ana Miranda hopes that public pressure will contribute to significant changes and a genuine commitment to protecting the environment and the fishing industry in Galicia.

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