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Durban / COP 17

Green MEPs depart for International Climate talks.

As the COP17 United Nations Climate Change Conference, continues its work next week, Green MEPs Satu Hassi, Sandrine Bélier and Bas Eickhout have begun making their way to Durban.

At a press conference in European Parliament in Brussels before their departure, Co-President Rebecca Harms joined the delegation in putting forward the Greens' demands for the Durban climate summit, insisting that the European Union step up its own climate ambitions, so that Europe can lead the world in green technology, and fight for a second commitment period for the Kyoto protocol. The European Parliament has called for the EU to commit to continuing the Kyoto Protocol and it is necessary that European negotiators recognise that developing countries are our allies in these negotiations and show that Europe is on their side.

The concrete demands of the Greens/EFA group for Durban are however insufficient for limiting the increase in global temperatures to safe levels and so must only be the beginning of more ambitious action towards a future international agreement.

The opening days have been reported as 'sound' and 'very smooth' and there are slivers of hope for some progress . We will be updating our Stop Climate Change website from Durban and keeping you informed of events on the ground.

For now, for more detail visit the page of our high level event, the Green Race to Durban and Beyond and watch the discussion with Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC Christiana Figueres,  EU Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard, Executive Director of Greenpeace International  Kumi Naidoo and Director, Climate and Energy Program Jennifer Morgan.

We also have a fun new tool where you can find out who is really winning the Green Race.

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Zuständige Abgeordnete

Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout
Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms
