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Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA Group agenda priorities and events 16-20 November 2009

Greens/European Free Alliance priorities and events for next week include:

  • On Tuesday:
    a Greens/EFA press conference with MEPs from at least three other EP political groups, who will jointly call for gender balance in the new EU Commission and EU top jobs.
  • On Wednesday:
    coinciding with the EU-Russia summit – a Greens/EFA press conference and film screening to honour the life of Russian journalist and human rights activist Anna Politkovskaya.

Find a full overview of Greens/EFA priorities and events below:

Greens/EFA priorities


Joint parliamentary meeting on Stockholm Programme
Green MEPs and Green representatives from national parliaments will be among the participants at this discussion of justice and home affairs issues, including immigration and asylum.


Energy efficiency trialogues: labelling and buildings
A further attempt will be made at finding agreement on energy efficiency labelling for household appliances. Greens were highly critical of the last proposal from the Swedish EU Presidency, and of the handful of Member States – notably Italy – that were behind it. Virtually no progress has been made on the critical points in the latest proposal ahead of the next trialogue meeting:

Little progress was made in the last trialogue on energy efficiency of buildings, a critical issue given that buildings represent 40% of energy consumption in Europe. Further information on the issue is available here: http://www.greens-efa.eu/cms/default/dok/287/287650.energy_efficiency@en.htm


EU-Russia summit
Greens have called for human rights and democracy to top the agenda:


Special summit of EU leaders
Greens deplore the fact that there are so few women among the mooted candidates for the EU Commission and the EU's other top jobs.

Greens/EFA events

Discussion: United against malaria campaign
Monday, 16 November, 14.00-15.00
PHS1C47, European Parliament, Brussels

> Green MEP Isabelle Durant joins footballer Mbo Mpenza, Charles - a young former malaria sufferer from Uganda - and Awa Marie Coll Seck from the Roll Back Malaria partnership, which was launched by several UN agencies and the World Bank in 1998.

Press conference: Gender balance in EU top jobs
Tuesday, 17 November, 10.30-11.00
Press briefing room PHS0A50, European Parliament, Brussels

> Green MEPs Marije Cornelissen, Rebecca Harms and Raül Romeva will be joined by MEPs from other political groups, including Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (EPP-ED), Britta Thomsen (S&D) andIlda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL). They will call for greater female representation in the new Commission and other EU top jobs.

Conference: Climate proofing EU structural and cohesion funds
Tuesday, 17 November, 09.00-17.00
ASP1G2, European Parliament, Brussels

> Green MEP Elisabeth Schroedter hosts this conference, which is co-organised with Friends of the Earth Europe and CEE Bankwatch. Participants will examine the climate impact of EU programmes and make recommendations for a more climate-friendly 2014-2020 financial period.

Conference: Southern Africa - civil society, politics and donor strategies
Tuesday, 17 November, 09.00-15.30
A5G2, European Parliament, Brussels

> Green MEP and EP South Africa delegation member Judith Sargentini co-hosts this conference, which will bring together civil society activists, the donor community, as well as governmental and non-governmental actors.

Hearing: NGOs' defence of the Pyrenees bear
Tuesday, 17 November, 14.30-16.00
A1G3, European Parliament, Brussels

> A hearing on the situation and strategies for the conservation of bears in the Pyrenees mountains region.

Film screening: Sisters across the Gulf of Finland
Tuesday, 17 November, 18.30
JAN2Q2, European Parliament, Brussels

> Green MEP Heidi Hautala co-hosts the screening of film that depicts the cooperation between Finnish and Estonian women's voluntary associations from the 1920s until their interruption by the Cold War. With the participation of the director Imbi Paju.

Press conference and film screening: Anna Politkovskaya
Wednesday, 18 November, 10.30 (press conference) and 17.30 (film)
'Anna Politkovskaya' press briefing room, PHS0A50, EP, Brussels

> The Greens/EFA Group host a press conference at 10.30 and a screening of the documentary 'Letter to Anna' at 17.30 to honour murdered Russian journalist and human rights activist Anna Politkovskaya and to comment on human rights and democracy in Russia, on the day the EU-Russia summit opens in Stockholm. Ilya, her son, film director Eric Bergkraut and Thérèse Obrecht Hodler, President of the Reporters Sans Frontières (Switzerland), the family's lawyer Karinna Moskalenko and Novaya Gazeta editor-in-chief Sergey Sokolov will be among those participating.
Register for the screening at: http://greens-efa-service.eu/event/lettreaAnna

Conference: Greening consumer electronics
Wednesday, 18 November, 14.30-17.00
PHS 1A002, European Parliament, Brussels

> In the context of the RoHS and WEEE Directives, EFA MEP Jill Evans hosts this conference, subtitled "from hazardous material to sustainable solutions". Topics will include use of bromine and chloride in electronics and substitutes for halogens.

Conference: Feminicide - No more killing, no more impunity
Thursday, 19 November, 09.00-13.00 and 15:00-18:00
ASP1G3, European Parliament, Brussels

> Green MEP Raül Romeva hosts this second conference addressing the murder of women, a worldwide problem that has given cause for particular concern in Central America. This event will take stock of the progress in legislation and enforcement to tackle this crime in the two years since the EP adopted a resolution on the topic.

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