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Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA priorities and events for 1-5 February 2010

Greens/European Free Alliance priorities in the EU agenda for next week include further Parliament deliberations on the EU agreement to transfer SWIFT bank data to the US authorities (which takes effect on Monday), as well as the EP development committee hearing of replacement Bulgarian Commissioner-designate Kristalina Georgieva.

The Greens/EFA Group have two press conferences planned for next week: on Monday on subject of the illegal tobacco trade and its impact (followed by a hearing), and on Tuesday on human rights and the crackdown on the media and trade unions in Iran. Events include a post-Copenhagen analysis hearing that will also look ahead to the next major climate summit in Mexico. Full details below.

Greens/EFA agenda priorities

Monday, 1 February

Interim EU-US agreement on transferring SWIFT bank data is due to come into force, despite the lack of an EP vote on the issue.

Wednesday, 3 February

EP development committee: hearing of Kristalina Georgieva, Bulgaria's new Commissioner-delegate for international cooperation and humanitarian aid.

Thursday, 4 February

EP civil liberties committee: discussion and committee vote on the position on SWIFT, ahead of a likely plenary vote in Strasbourg on 8 or 9 February.

Friday, 5 February

Ukraine Presidential elections: Greens/EFA Co-President Rebecca Harms returns to Ukraine as an election observer for the second round run-off. To reach her for comment, contact Holger Michel on +49 (0)30 23635962

Greens/EFA events

Press conference and hearing - Trade in tobacco and consequences
Monday, 1 February 
Press conference: 11.00-11.30, PHS 0A50, European Parliament, Brussels
Hearing: 17.30-19.00, ASP1G2, European Parliament, Brussels
> In March, the UN will try and reach an international agreement towards a global instrument to combat the massive trade in illegal tobacco, which has a worldwide impact, not least in low and middle income countries. Such a protocol would be an annex to the WHO's 2005 Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Belgian Green MEP Bart Staes hosts the press conference and hearing, and will be joined by expert guests.

Press conference - Iran: human rights, journalists and trade unions
Tuesday, 2 February, 15.00-15.30
PHS 0A50, European Parliament, Brussels
> Green MEP and EP Iran Delegation chair Barbara Lochbihler is holding this press conference examining the increased repression on human rights, with particular regard to the media and trade union activities. She is joined by Aidan White (International Federation of Journalists), Jaap Wienen (International Trade Union Confederation) and Drewery Dyke (Amnesty).

Workshop - Implementing the Green New Deal for Europe
Wednesday, 3 February, 9.30-17.45
ASP1G3, European Parliament, Brussels
> Green MEPs and Green party representatives meet to discuss practical aspects of implementing a Green New Deal: including discussions on the macro-economic framework, industry and the employment dimension. See the programme.

Seminar - Beyond Copenhagen: where to go for climate policy?
Thursday, 4 February 2010, 10.30-13.00
ASP1G3, European Parliament, Brussels
> Where did it all go wrong in Copenhagen and where do we go from here? This event will bring together contrasting analyses of the Copenhagen climate conference and the road ahead to Mexico at the end of this year. Green MEPs Rebecca Harms, Yannick Jadot and Satu Hassi are joined by guests including Mark Lynas, Martin Khor and Laurence Tubiana.

This event will be livestreamed on the web. See the full programme.

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