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Weltweite Lesung der Werke von Liu Xiaobo

Solidarität mit dem Friedensnobelpreis-Gewinner und Protest gegen seine Inhaftierung


Three years ago, Liu Xiaobo was arrested in his Beijing home. He waited more than 12 months to receive a formal sentence - 11 years of imprisonment for “inciting subversion of state power.”

The goal of the worldwide reading is to share Liu Xiaobo's works with a broader readership, to remind the world that a humanist, a freedom fighter, an outstanding writer and Nobel Peace Prize winner is still in a Chinese prison and to express the protest against it.

The reading in the European Parliament is part of the worldwide reading dedicated to the writer and is based on a prominent initiative of the Internationales Literaturfestival of Berlin.

Green MEPs Helga Trüpel and Reinhard Bütikofer are pleased to invite you to the

reading of selected pieces of Liu Xiaobo's works
Tuesday 20 March 2012  | 14:45-15:45  |  Forum space - ASP 3rd floor

Auch interessant

Copyright European Union
MBS & Meloni
Due Diligance Directive

Zuständige Abgeordnete

Reinhard Bütikofer
Reinhard Bütikofer
Helga Trüpel
Helga Trüpel


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