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Veranstaltung |

Tech your pick: Beating the giants with interoperability

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Join us for the first in a new series of webinars on the Digital Services Act package, where we will explore how creating an open digital environment online can strengthen users’ rights, support small tech companies and foster digital innovation.

The Digital Services Act package is Europe’s ambitious plan to revise the rules for how online services, such as social media networks, should be regulated.

The Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) proposals are a critical opportunity to strengthen user rights, and to give people back control over the choices they make online. The proposals will shape the central aspects of the internet for years to come. It’s time for Europe to regain its place as a global standard-setter.

In a new series of webinars, renowned international experts will share their insights on Europe’s digital future. Starting off with lightning talks, followed by an exchange of ideas between experts and MEPs, each webinar will feature a long Q&A session so that all participants can join the discussion. Each webinar is scheduled to last 1 hour. 

Webinar #1:  How can the EU ensure  interoperability that will benefit SMEs as well as users?

When? 1st July | from 16:00 – 17:00 

This webinar will explore how the Digital Markets Act could strengthen users’ rights, encourage the development of an open, pluralistic digital environment, and creating new opportunities for innovative digital services. This is also an opportunity to discuss the gaps in the legislation. We will be asking key questions on the interoperability of platforms, such as:  

→ Why is  interoperability so important? 

→ Why has interoperability been difficult to enforce? How can the DMA establish effective interoperability rights?

→ How can  interoperability  ensure that SMEs compete with other platforms? What incentives should be put in place?

→ How can  the DMA establish an open and pluralistic internet? 

Greens/EFA MEPs, Marcel Kolaja and Rasmus Andresen, will be joined by:

  • Maria Luisa Stasi - Senior Legal Officer at Article 19

  • Vanessa Turner - Senior Advisor at BEUC

  • Annika Linck - Senior EU Policy Manager at European DIGITAL SME Alliance 

  • Ian Brown - Visiting professor at Fundação Getulio Vargas in Brazil 



  • Introduction by Rasmus Andresen MEP and Marcel Kolaja MEP (10 minutes)

  • Lightning talks and exchange of ideas with digital experts (40 minutes)

  • Questions and answers (10 minutes) 

  • Conclusion by Rasmus Andresen MEP and Marcel Kolaja MEP   (5 minutes)




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Zuständige Abgeordnete

Rasmus Andresen
Rasmus Andresen
Marcel Kolaja
Marcel Kolaja
Quästor, MdEP
