Wind turbines in a field/ CC0 Alex Eckermann
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Veranstaltung |

Safeguarding the renewable energy directive (RED II)

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The Renewable Energy Directive has been the EU’s central policy tool to reduce renewable energy costs, boost renewable deployment and create a booming renewable energy industry across Europe.

There is no justification to expand the scope of the Directive to non-renewable energies, such as fossil fuels or nuclear, and any move to do so would undermine trust in the EU’s renewable energy policy.

With stakeholders across Europe keen to have their say in the shaping of this Directive it’s time to bring the debate to
the political level.

Co-hosted by:

  • Eleonora Evi (Greens/EFA)
  • Seán Kelly (EPP)
  • Nicolás Gonzáles Casares (S&D) and
  • Martin Hojsík (RenewEurope)

In the panel:

  • Catharina Sikow-Magny, Director, Directorate for the Green Transition and Energy System Integration, DG ENER, European Commission
  • Eva Chamizo Llatas, Director of European Affairs and Head of the Brussels Office, Iberdrola
  • Anna Martin, Energy Policy Officer, BEUC
  • Veerle Dossche, EU Energy Policy Coordinator, CAN Europe

Moderated by Sam Morgan, Journalist




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