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New instruments for an ambitious EU energy saving policy

A Greens/EFA conference


> Introduction

Claude Turmes, MEP, rapporteur for the Energy Efficiency Directive (15 min)
Energy savings - EU's most important energy source of the next decades

> Part 1: Mandatory energy saving obligations - or why the EU needs a new business model for its energy and gas companies

 Expert input: (2 x 15 min)

  • Richard Cowart, Director, The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)
    The merits of energy saving obligations - global experiences

  • Eoin Lees, consultant, former head of UK energy saving trust
    Existing energy savings models in the EU and what we can learn from them

    Discussion (45 min)
  • Graham Kirby, regulation and energy policy manager for E.ON's retail market unit in the UK

  •  Mr. Michael Mikkelsen, Scan Energy, DK

> Part 2:  A demand response market for EU or how to give additional economic value to (electricity) savings

 Expert input:

  • Jorge Vasconcelos, Chairman of NEWES, founding chairman of the Council of European energy regulators (CEER)
    Why demand response is a key element in EU futures power (and gas?) market

  • Richard O'Neill, Chief Economic Advisor, US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
    Demand bidding in US - recent experiences and lessons to learn

  • A representative from the IEA (International Energy Agency) (name tbc)

    Discussion (45 min)
  • Alberto Pototschnig, Director of Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)

  • Claude Breining, Director of European Affairs, Schneider Electric

> Conclusion

Claude Turmes, MEP

Auch interessant

Right to Repair
Electricity Market Design
Phase out of ECT

Zuständige Abgeordnete

Claude Turmes
Claude Turmes
