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Meeting today's challenges

A Greens/EFA Public Conference

The Greens/EFA group held a public meeting in Copenhagen to discuss two main issues under the theme "Meeting today's challenges".

The group was joined by members of the Danish government and international experts to discuss the ongoing Arab Spring and the EU's response, followed by Green Jobs - A Way Out of the Crisis.

You can download the presentations below, and watch the recordings of the discussions and questions and answers sessions. Thursday 10 May  19:30-21:30 

The ongoing Arab Spring and the EU's response

  • Mr Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-President Greens/EFA Group
  • Mr Villy Søvndal, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Denmark
  • Mrs Basma Kodmani, Member of the executive Bureau and Head of the foreign relations for the Syrian National Council, Syria
  • Mr Samir Frangié, Lebanese intellectual, former member of the Lebanese Parliament, author of the book "Au bout de la violence" (Journey through violence), Lebanon
  • Mr Kamel Jendoubi, President of the Independent High Authority for the Elections (ISIE), Tunisia
______________________________ Friday 11 May  10:00-13:00 

Green Jobs - A Way Out of the Crisis

10:00 Opening & Introduction: Green Jobs in Times of Crisis
Mrs Rebecca Harms
, Co-President Greens/EFA Group 10:15 Key Note Speech: Greening Jobs and Growth Potential in Europe
Prof. Diana Mangalagiu,
Smith School of Enterprise and Environment, University of Oxford 10:35 The Danish Government Programme for Green Job Creation and EU-Presidency Priorities
Mrs Ida Auken, Minister of Environment, Denmark 10:55  Short Q&A 11:15 Energy Efficiency as Job Machine
Mr Claude Turmes, Vice-President Greens/EFA Group 11:35 Benefits of more ambitious Energy Policies - A Business Perspective
Mr Ulrich Bang, EU Chef Danskenergi 11:50 A Green Business Model and the Danish Resource Strategy
Mr Thomas Becker, CEO Genan Business and Development 12:05 Short Q&A 12:30 Closing Remarks
Mrs Rebecca Harms
, Co-President Greens/EFA Group

Auch interessant

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Zuständige Abgeordnete

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms
Claude Turmes
Claude Turmes
