Wieviel Fisch kann gefahrlos gefangen werden?
Eine öffentliche Anhörung der Grünen/EFA
The Greens/EFA are pleased to invite you to the public hearing on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy organised by MEPs Isabella Lövin, Raül Romeva i Rueda, Jean-Paul Besset and Keith Taylor :
Tuesday 3 May 2011 9.00-12.30
European Parliament P7C50
Greens believe that a precautionary approach must form the basis of the Common Fisheries Policy. The reform must ensure a CFP in which decisions on fisheries management do not lead to further depletion of fish stocks but allow them to recover to abundant levels that can support sustainable exploitation in the long term.
Presentations will be made by :
- Commissioner Maria Damanaki (confirmed)
- fisheries scientists from Europe and Australia (Justin Cooke, Rainer Froese, Tony Smith, Poul Degnbol)
- Greenpeace (Sebastian Losada).
The importance of independent scientific advice will be addressed, and the Australian approach to management will be explained.