Greening regional policy
Achievements and perspectives
The EU Structural and Investment Funds are a major EU instrument for funding and accelerating the green transformation in Europe, for example, in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, research & innovation, sustainable mobility, green jobs, the solidarity economy, education and combat of poverty. From 2014 on, EU regional policy will be funded under a new set of rules. The Greens/EFA group have made a difference in the negotiations on the Cohesion Policy (legislative) package for 2014-2020, and so the new rules contain improvements for a greener and socially more just Cohesion Policy. The Greens/EFA MEPs involved in the negotiations, are therefore organising a conference on the green achievements and perspectives for the next 7 years. The main focuses will be how policymakers and local and regional stakeholders can capitalise on these improvements and how they can team up to make sustainable projects on the ground a reality. In the first session, from 9.30-11.00, we will discuss with local stakeholders sustainable investment using the Structural Funds, particularly in the crisis countries. During the second panel, from 11-13.00, we will focus on how local actors can now have a bigger say in the implementation of the cohesion policy thanks to the Partnership Principle and the newly introduced Code of Conduct. A light lunch will be provided.____________________
9:30-11:00Sustainable investment in regions, especially in crisis countries Speakers:
- Alessandro Proia, CRPM/CPMR
- Sébastien Godinot, WWF European Policy Office
- Sandrine Rousseau (EELV), Vice-President of the Regional Council Nord-Pas-de-Calais, in charge of higher education and research
The Partnership Principle
- Manuela Geleng, European Commission, DG EMPL
- Mathieu Fichter, European commission, DG REGI
- Markus Trilling, Bankwatch