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Veranstaltung |

Future of Cohesion Policy

A stakeholder meeting

The GreensEFA group in the European Parliament organise a meeting with partners from local and regional authorities and councils on the future of Cohesion Policy.

A close cooperation with local and regional partners is crucial for our parliamentary work. In the context of the future of Cohesion Policy, we aim at receiving feedback on our concepts and our positions which we will introduce in the ongoing debate as well as listening to concerns and approaches for the future funding period. We would be particularly interested in learning from the various experiences on the ground relating to safeguarding the sustainable use of EU funds and to the implementation of the partnership principle.

Draft agenda:

  • Welcome
  • Presentation of GreensEFA draft position paper on future of Cohesion Policy
  • Feedback from stakeholders on GreensEFA draft position paper
  • Reception

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided for at least EN-FR-DE.

Auch interessant

© European Union 2020 - Source : EP
EUCO Terry
European Council (CC BY 2.0)
Council table
Photo by Jannik on Unsplash
Photo by Jannik on Unsplash
