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From Maidan Square to the European Parliament

Public hearing on the situation in Ukraine

The Greens have expressed serious concern about the situation in Ukraine and the crackdown against democratic pro-EU demonstrations and pushed to ensure it is a priority item of this week's plenary session. The EU needs to do all in its power to support the pro-European mobilisation. To this end, the Greens have pushed for a special EP delegation to be sent to Kiev. This hearing will provide an opportunity to discuss the situation with those on the ground.

Greens/EFA Co-Presidents Rebecca HARMS and Daniel COHN-BENDIT
are pleased to invite you to a public hearing
on the situation in Ukraine

 with Ukrainian guest speakers:

  • Iegor SOBOLIEV, former journalist, co-founder of a new political movement "Volia"
  • Svitlana ZALISHCHUK, activist of the civic movement "New Citizen"
  • Juri DURKOT, journalist
  • Dr. Kyryl SAVIN, Director, Regional office Kiew, Heinrich-Boell Foundation

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Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms
