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Veranstaltung |

Defending Pastoralism

Towards a European Wolf Plan


A conference sponsored by MEPs Michel DANTIN, José BOVE, Eric ANDRIEU, Pilar AYUSO, Herbert DORFMANN, Karl-Heinz FLORENZ, Rebecca HARMS, Norbert LINS, Annie SCHREIJER-PIERIK, Maria Lidia SENRA RODRIGUEZ
With the participation of 80 European, National and regional parliamentarians from the European member states.


Welcoming: MEP Michel DANTIN, José BOVE

Introduction (5min): MEP Pilar AYUSO

From 15:05-15:20

Keynote speech of Commissioner Karmenu Vella (15 min)

From 15:20-17:00

PANEL 1. State of play in some Member States and in Europe (40 min)

MEP chair: Eric ANDRIEU, Rebecca HARMS

Germany: Mr. Stefan WENZEL, Former Environment Minister from Lower-Saxony
Spain: Mr. ARRANZ SANZ General Director of Natural Environment in Castilla y León, Spain
Austria: Impact of wolves on cultivated landscapes - Risk analysis, A: Mr. GRILL would talk about the density of wolves in the Alps and especially in Austria. He would present the observed and measured impact of the wolves population in the Alps and in Austria within the forest and the agricultural sector
France and Europe: Mr. Laurent GARDE, researcher at CERPAM, has just published a study on the adaptability of protective measures against wolves (Montpellier, France)

PANEL 2. Hybrids and problematic wolves (30 min)

MEP chair: Herbert DORFMANN, Lidia SENRA

Hybrid presence: Mr. Laurent REVERSAT, a representative of the sheep breeders from France. He took part in genetic analyses carried out in France

Genetics: Dr. WURMB-SCHWARK from the FORGEN laboratory, based in Hamburg (http://www.forensik-hh.de/). The Forgen laboratory is certified (DAkkS and DGAB) and acts as an expert body for German courts. The ForGen laboratory has recently analysed genetic samples from breeders taken after wolf attacks. These analyses showed the involvement of hybrid wolves in the attacks
Wolves monitoring, hybrids management and problematic wolves in Central Italy: Mr. APOLLONIO is an expert of Zoology within the Natural Science Faculty of the University Sassari in Italy. He is a founding member of the European Network "Carunet", which is studying the relation between predators and its preys

PANEL 3. Regulatory Context (30 min)

MEP chair: Annie SCHREIJER-PIERIK, Norbert LINS 

Ms. Iva OBRETENOVA - Secretary of the Bern Convention and Head of the Biodiversity Unit, Council of Europe
Mr. Ludwig WILLNEGGER Secretary General of FACE - Hunters European association
European Platform on Large Carnivores (IUCN, WWF...) / European Landowners Organisation: Mr. Jürgen TACK, the European Landowner’s (ELO) Scientific Director, is to present the main activities and achievements of the EU Large Carnivores Platform (European Commission)

Coffee break

From 17:15-18:30

PANEL 4. Debate with the Parliamentarians and Mr. Humberto DELGADO ROSA, Director for Nature Natural Capital, in charge of the Nature Directives, at the European Commission (75 min)

MEP chair: José BOVE, Karl-Heinz FLORENZ



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