Climate mainstreaming und der mehrjährige Finanzrahmen
Unterstützt der neue EU-Haushalt die Erreichung unserer Klimaziele?
9.30 - 9.35
Introduction by Elisabeth Schroedter & David Baldock - Executive Director IEEP
9.35 - 11.00
I. Which contribution from cohesion- and structural funds to fight climate change?
Chair: Elisabeth Schroedter
1. Presentation of the future budget and spending priorities Peter Berkowitz, future of cohesion policy - European Commission / DG Regio
2. 'Cohesion Policy delivering on EU climate targets in Central and Eastern Europe - ways to unlock potentials for energy and resource efficiency" Markus Trilling from CEE bankwatch
3. Measuring the climatic impact of cohesion policy operational programmes: The French carbon emissions evaluation tool NECATER (Case study) Pierre-françois Clerc from the DATAR – Responsible for Sustainable development.
11.00 - 12.30
II. Greening the CAP- increasing the resilence of agri-ecosystems
Chair: Bas Eickhout
1. Presentation of the future budget and spending priorities - Ms Myriam Driessen - Policy Co-ordinator - Climate change, forestry and bioenergy European Commission / DG AGRI. H.4 - Bioenergy, biomass, forestry and climatic changes
2. How can CAP reform help the EU meet climate targets? - David Baldock - Executive Director IEEP
3. Meat production and climate effects - How can CAP reform contribute to more climate friendly livestock rearing- Reinhild Benning FoE Germany
4. How the proposed "Ecological focus areas" can increase resilience of agro-ecosystems -Faustine Defossez -Agriculture and Bioenergy policy officer EEB
Conclusion remarks by Bas Eickhout