Climate Justice
Engendering the Energy Transition
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We can only demand climate justice from the perspective of gender equality. Women are affected differently and more severely by climate change because of social stereotypes, discrimination and poverty. In this perspective it is imperative to look at how gender equality can inform the discourse on energy transition. As the Paris agreement states, we need to develop gender sensitive policies. A key question is that climate finance must deliver a fair allocation of resources. But how is this done in practice? How do we engender the European energy agenda and how do we make sure women are considered throughout the energy transition as decision makers, workers, and consumers? Can we conclude on basic principles?
The objective of the conference is to bring together stakeholders from the climate, energy and gender equality fields to discuss how to engender the European energy transition agenda, to create synergies and a networking platform for future exchanges, and to identify possible concrete areas of work convergence.
The conference will be live streamed.
15.00 - 15.05
Introduction Conference by MEP Florent MARCELLESI
15.05 - 15.15
Opening Speech by Isabella LÖVIN and Vandana SHIVA (Video)
PANEL 1 - The Gender Dimension of Climate Justice
15.15 - 15.25
Keynote speech
Fiona HARVEY, Environmental Journalist at The Guardian
15.25 - 16.10
Interactive Panel Discussion
- Sven HARMELING, CARE International
- Simon HENZELL-THOMAS, Public Affairs Manager at IKEA
- Fleur NEWMAN, Gender Focal Point at UNFCCC
- Jannie STAFFANSSON, Representative Saami Council
16.10 - 16.30 Questions & answers
16.30 - 16.45 Coffee Break
PANEL 2 - Engendering the European Energy Transition
16.45 - 16.55
Keynote speech
Eva STEGEN, representative Schönau
16.55 - 17.45
Interactive Panel Discussion
- Gotelind ALBER, Co-founder GenderCC-Women for Climate Justice
- Eleni KYROU, Senior Social Development Specialist, European Investment Bank
- Nerea RAMÍREZ, Coordinator of Ecologists in Action
- Megan RICHARDS, Director of Energy Policy, European Commission
17.45 - 18.15
Questions & answers
18.15 - 18.20
Closing remarks by MEP Florent MARCELLESI