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A stronger European disaster response

What form for what function?

On 26th October Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva presented her proposal to further strengthen European disaster response capabilities. The communication entitled "Towards a stronger European disaster response" addresses in particular the questions of setting up an EU emergency response capacity and a more effective EU coordination of pre-committed Member States assets.

The Commission proposal comes after the 2006 Barnier report for a European Civil protection force, the 2010 Belgian Presidency initiative to establish "EU-FAST" and the proposal of President Nicolas Sarkozy to also use national military capabilities in EU disaster response operations. It also seeks to address lessons learned on the ground, in particular during the recent European disaster relief efforts in Haiti and Pakistan.

This hearing will bring together a panel of experts from EU institutions, EU member states and civil society. After a presentation by Ms Kristalina Georgieva, Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, a panel will assess the Commission's communication in light of recent lessons learned. In particular, the risks and benefits of a stronger EU coordination, even integration, of Member States human and material assets and capabilities for disaster relief operations will be discussed.


9:00-9:10 Welcome
Mr Daniel Cohn-Bendit MEP and Mr Bas Eickhout MEP

I - Towards a stronger European disaster response

9:10-9:30 Presentation of the Commission communication
followed by Q&A session
Ms Kristalina Georgieva, Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response

II - Analysing the Commission proposal for a stronger European disaster response

Chair: Dr Franziska Brantner, MEP

  • H.E. Ambassador Jean-Louis Falconi, Representative of France in the Political and Security Committee, Brussels
  • Dr Manfred Schmidt, Ministerialdirektor, Head of Directorate-General for Crisis Response and Civil Protection, German Ministry of the Interior, Berlin
  • Mr Rudolph Müller, Chief Emergency Services Branch, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Geneva
  • Ms Kathrin Schick, Director VOICE - Voluntary Organizations in Cooperation in Emergencies, Brussels

Discussion with the audience

III - Final Conclusions

Ms Judith Sargentini MEP and Ms. Viola von Cramon, German MP

For further information please do not hesitate to contact Martin ALBANI
(martin.albani@europarl.europa.eu, 0032-228-31575)

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Zuständige Abgeordnete

Judith Sargentini
Judith Sargentini
