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Transport and Biofuels

Conference in Stockholm on 25th and 26th March

The last years the Swedish Green Party have been putting the issue on sustainable transport forward in their parliamentary work, in their negotiations with their government and in their contacts with the bio-fuels producers in Sweden.

The last months they saw the real outcome of their efforts:

  • according to taxation benefits every tenth sold car is a biofuel car
  • every third gas station will provide biofuels
  • the production of various kind of biofuels are developping all over Sweden
  • congestion charge is implemented in Stockholm from January
  • the relations between investments in railways and road will be 2:1 etc...

All this factors are focused in the political and public debate. The combination of economy and ecology can be visible and (finally) successfully communicated. Awareness of climate change and the effects from CO2 are about to be political mainstream.

Things are moving and the Greens want to share that during this conference.

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© Christian Kaufmann
Picture of vegetables on a table
making it green together illustration
making it green together illustration
