Policy Paper |

Greens/EFA and Ministers welcome Historic EU Directive proposal to stop gender-based violence

Joint Statement

Last week (8 March 2022), the European Commission published their proposal for the long-awaited Gender Based Violence Directive.

After reiterated calls by the European Parliament and Greens/EFA Group, the European Commission finally moves to concrete actions in ending gender-based violence across the EU.

We welcome the proposal as a unique opportunity to pave the way to a feminist Europe by committing the Member States to take ambitious and binding actions towards ending gender-based violence in Europe.

The proposal criminalises some forms of sexual violence, such as rape, female genital mutilation (FGM) or cyber violence. We especially applaud the Commission of the ambition to criminalise rape on the basis of lack of consent, which the Greens/EFA Group has long advocated for.

We celebrate the intersectional approach included in some of the provisions, which considers the diversity and specific needs of different groups. We also deem that the proposed measures on protection, prevention and support of victims are comprehensive and aligned with the Istanbul Convention.

However, we underline the following areas as priorities for action:

  • We regret the lack of a coherent approach in terms of gender, including recognition of the gender-based violence against LGBTIQ+ people on the grounds of gender, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics.
  • For other types of gender-based violence, the proposal relies on the definitions under national criminal law, which may result in lack of coherence in the approach.
  • We are equally concerned about the lack of gender perspective in most of the forms of cyberviolence criminalised in this proposal.
  • With the text on the table, it is clear that the next step should be adding gender-based violence on the list of European crimes, in order to cover all forms of gender-based violence, something the Greens/EFA have been repeatedly calling for.

For years, side by side with feminist civil society across the Member States, we have campaigned for a Directive to prevent and combat gender-based violence.

With this proposal comes a historic opportunity to make European history.

We need to seize this moment, and make sure the adopted Directive is ambitious, inclusive and fit for the digital age.


Signed by:

Sarah Schlitz
Secretary of State for Gender Equality, Equal Opportunities and Diversity, 


Roderic O' Gorman
Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth


Ska Keller
MEP, co-President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament


Philippe Lamberts
MEP, co-President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament










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Ska Keller
Ska Keller
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts
