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Greens/EFA Group reject Council's inhuman asylum deal


This evening, Ministers in the Justice and Home Affairs Council have agreed their position on reforms to the EU’s Asylum system under the Pact on Migration. The Greens/EFA Group have long been fighting for a fair and efficient asylum system that protects human rights and dignity. The Council’s agreement fails to deliver on multiple fronts, instead focusing on sub-standard procedures and detention at the external borders.

Terry Reintke MEP, Greens/EFA Group President, comments:  

“This deal goes against European values such as fundamental rights and respect for the rule of law. The European Parliament will fight for a functioning asylum system that is in line with human dignity and human rights, offers workable solutions and a fair responsibility sharing among member states. We fight against new camps or detention centres at the EU's external borders.

“The Greens/EFA Group strongly reject mandatory border procedures that would mean that a large number of people including children and other vulnerable people seeking protection are detained for extended periods. 

“There cannot be an agreement on asylum at any price, if the price is to disregard our international obligations to protect those seeking protection and the most vulnerable.”

Philippe Lamberts MEP, Greens/EFA Group President, comments: 

“This evening’s agreement panders to the far-right and throws European values to the wind. Instead of trying to find solutions to the migration situation based on solidarity, responsibility sharing and respect for human dignity, European governments are doubling down on the failed policies of walls, camps and a total disregard for human rights. 

“While Member States have taken a long time to agree to internal procedures on migration, they seem quite content to externalise the issue to dodgy regimes and dictatorships. We must not give a blank cheque of EU money to fund autocrats and warlords just to keep migrants from coming into the EU. 

“Member States at the EU’s external borders cannot be left alone to deal with this situation. The fair redistribution of asylum seekers between all Member States is the only answer to this situation. The Greens/EFA Group will continue to fight for a fair and efficient asylum system based on solidarity and respect for human rights."


The Greens/EFA Group position for a fair and efficient asylum system in Europe can be found here.


Policy Paper

Responsible MEPs

Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts
Terry Reintke
Terry Reintke

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