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EFA MEP Miranda calls for Corsican rights recognition

Press release from EFA MEP Ana Miranda (Galicia)

EFA MEP Ana Miranda (Bloque Nacionalista Galego) has called on France to recognise Corsica's 50 year national struggle, and the rights of bilingual citizens, in line with the European Charter of Minority Languages.

Ana Miranda made the call following the address of French President Emmanuel Macron to the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Symbolically, Miranda displayed the Corsican flag at her seat in the Parliament Chamber during the President's speech.

The MEP regretted that Macron's constitutional reform project has not yet recognised the democratic will of a majority of Corsicans to exercise their right to self-determination and statute of autonomy, as well as proper recognition of the Corsican language.

Ana Miranda said:

"We expect an honest and sincere dialogue from you, not something akin to the intransigence shown by Spanish PM Rajoy towards the Catalans.

"Successive electoral results should also be recognised, particularly the most recent in which the autonomist coalition received 56% of votes, only six months after winning a majority of Corsican seats in the French National Assembly.

"Progressive forces are a majority in the Corsican Assembly and their legitimate democratic mandate must be recognised and respected."


Press release
Press release
David Sedlecký CC BY-SA 4.0

Responsible MEPs

Ana Miranda
Ana Miranda

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