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EU - Turkey: The answer is more democracy

Greens/EFA MEP Ernest Maragall has spoken out to condemn the military coup in Turkey as well as aspects of the Turkish government's response to it, during a debate at the European Parliament in Strasbourg with EU Foreign Policy chief Federica Mogherini.

Mr Maragall, a member of the European Parliament's Turkey Delegation, said the answer to the situation was 'more democracy'.

MEP Ernest Maragall

The MEP praised all those in Turkey who stood up for democracy and against the attempted military coup. But he could not accept aspects of the government's response, including increasing violations of human rights and an attack on elements of the framework of democratic society.

Ernest Maragall said:

"Many developments have happened since the last time this Plenary devoted attention to the situation in Turkey and it is difficult, if not impossible, to summarise them in one minute. The answer is more democracy.

"I would like to express my indignation and condemnation of the attempted military coup and send my support to all the people in Turkey who reacted quickly to safeguard democracy, and paying a high price for it.

"However, we are concerned about the stance taken by the government after the coup attempt. We have witnessed increasing violations of human rights and freedom of expression and a systematic repression of professional groups which constitute the basic skeleton of any democratic society (teachers, judges, journalists, etc.).

"We equally demand the PKK cease all armed activity and urge both sides to return to the negotiation table, while respecting and guaranteeing the rights of the Kurdish people and their legitimate democratic representation.

"EU-Turkey have started a new phase in which Turkey is increasingly looking at regional leadership building new alliances. The EU needs to realize this and readapt its strategy towards Turkey"


Policy Paper
© Udo Weber
Greening the streets  © Udo Weber

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Ernest Maragall
Ernest Maragall

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