Ian Hudghton

Ian Hudghton


Function Member
Phone Brussels+32-2-28-45499
Phone Strasbourg+33-3-881-75499

European Parliament
Rue Wiertz
B- 1047 Brussels

European Parliament
LOW T05137
Allée du Printemps- B.P. 1024/F
F-67070 Strasbourg Cedex

Party Scottish National Party
CountryUnited Kingdom
Greens / EFA Group Member
EFA EFA President
Committees Fisheries (Member)
Delegations Japan (Member)
United States (Substitute Member)
Web http://www.hudghtonmep.scot/
Social Media http://twitter.com/hudghtonmepSNP

Vice-President of the EFA Group
Ian Hudghton was first elected to the European Parliament in 1998, sitting alongside Winnie Ewing until her election to the Scottish Parliament. Prior to this he served as one of Scotland’s four members of the EU Committee of the Regions.
In the 1999 European elections Ian headed the SNP list, and was joined by Professor Neil MacCormick for a very productive five year partnership.
In 2004, 2009 and 2014 Ian again led the SNP list of candidates. The SNP has comfortably topped the poll in Scotland at the last two European elections.
Ian was first elected Vice-President of the European Free Alliance Group in 2009, and re-elected in 2014.
Following Winnie Ewing’s retirement in September 2005, Ian was elected President of the Scottish National Party, and has been re-elected each year since.