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Support for Kosovo EU recognition

EFA Press Release from ERC MEP Josep-Maria Terricabras

Catalan MEP and President of the EFA Group in the European Parliament Josep-Maria Terricabras has welcomed today's vote by MEPs in support of recognising Kosovo.

MEPs in Strasbourg were voting on a report assessing the situation in Kosovo and its readiness for EU membership.

Significantly, MEPs voted in favour of calls for the EU to fully recognise Kosovo's independence. They called on the 5 remaining EU member states who don't recognise the country to drop their objections.

Although Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in 2008, 5 EU member states still do not recognise the country's independence. These are Spain, Greece, Slovakia, Cyprus and Romania.

Commenting after the vote, Josep-Maria Terricabras said:

"Today's vote is a very positive signal for Kosovo and for the EU's recognition of the principle of self-determination.

"A majority of MEPs have made clear that it's now time for the EU to complete the process of recognising Kosovo as an independent state. The five remaining member states, including Spain, who refuse to recognise Kosovo must respect today's vote and the democratic right of people in Kosovo to determine their own future.

"The prospect of EU membership for Kosovo, of being independent within the European Union, continues to be a tremendously positive influence on the country's development.

"Let us as Europeans respect the choices that people in Kosovo have made, and help them towards a more peaceful and prosperous future within the European Union."


Press release
Better Regulation

Responsible MEPs

Josep Maria Terricabras
Josep Maria Terricabras
EFA President and first Vice President of the Greens/EFA Group

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