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Reaction of the Greens/EFA presidents

Italian elections

Greens/EFA president Philippe Lamberts:

"In a country in which 30% are at risk of poverty or social exclusion and 35% of young people are unemployed, it can be no surprise that so many have turned their back on the political mainstream. It was always clear that leaving Italy alone to deal with such a disproportionate share of the migration problem was cruel. Now we can see it was also politically short-sighted.

"The European People's Party needs to seriously consider who it wishes to call friends. This isn't the first time they have chosen to cosy up to the far right. As was the case in Austria, their alliance with the far-right makes a complete mockery of the values they claim to represent and robs them of any pro-EU credentials."

Greens/EFA president Ska Keller:

"Clearly, the European Union is not out of the woods yet. Despite recent victories by pro-EU forces, this result shows there is no room for complacency. The upcoming European elections will be essential in strengthening the European Union as a force for good in citizens' lives."


Policy Paper
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Green jigsaw
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Better Regulation

Responsible MEPs

Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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