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Patients' rights

New era for patients in Europe, as EP adopts rules on rights to cross-border healthcare

The European Parliament today adopted a final legislative compromise on new EU rules on access and rights to cross-border healthcare (1). Green MEPs broadly welcomed the legislation as striking the right balance. After the vote Dutch Green MEP and Greens/EFA shadow draftsperson (rapporteur) on the legislation, Bas Eickhout, said:

"The legislation adopted today is an important step forward for patients' rights in the EU. The Greens believe the final compromise adopted today strikes the right balance between guaranteeing patients' rights to cross-border healthcare and safeguarding the provision of quality health services at national level.

"Patients will have the right to get hospital treatment in other member states and be reimbursed as they would for receiving the treatment at home, however this right should not be at the expense of the viability of national health systems. The Greens believe the final compromise allows member states to establish a reasonable system of prior authorisation for the reimbursement of treatment costs, with MEPs succeeding in limiting the list of reasons for which a patient can be refused cross-border treatment. Importantly, member states would no longer be able to refuse reimbursement after prior authorisation has been granted, which was a key concern."

(1) Grosstête report on patients rights in cross-border healthcare - legislative vote in second reading.


Responsible MEPs

Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout

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