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New gun controls will improve public safety

Revised Firearms Directive passes committee

The European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection committee has today (26 Jan) approved the revised Firearms Directive.

The main purpose of the revision is to improve security measures on gun control. Measures include: prohibition of certain semi-automatic firearms and converted firearms; medical and psychological monitoring for those acquiring or in possession of a firearm; improved information exchange between Member States.

Commenting after the vote, Greens/EFA shadow Pascal Durand said:

"We would have liked to have secured tighter restrictions on what types of guns are legal and who can own them. But even in the face of considerable pressure from the gun lobby, this deal is a positive step forward. While some will wrongly argue that their personal freedoms will be curbed by the revisions agreed today, the most important factor must be ensuring public safety by combating the risk of illegal trafficking. This must involve identity verification when the acquisition of guns is made online and Member States sharing information on firearm ownership, and we are pleased to have achieved progress on this."

Responsible MEPs

Pascal Durand
Pascal Durand

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