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Last Minute Agreement: Quotes Damian Boeselager and Henrike Hahn

EU Budget 2022

Last night, negotiators from the European Parliament, Commission and Council reached a last-minute agreement on the EU budget for 2022.



Henrike Hahn MEP, Greens/EFA Group shadow rapporteur on the EU budget for 2022, comments:


"The last-minute breakthrough in the negotiations enables investments in the Green Deal and substantial financial injections into climate, environment, biodiversity, and the transition to a climate-neutral economy. This green EU budget increases the pace for a shift towards sustainable industry, research, and transport infrastructure."


Damian Boeselager Volt MEP, and Greens/EFA Group Rapporteur for the EU Administrative Budget for 2022, comments:


"The agreement clears the way for investments in climate, research and digitalisation and the path to economic recovery. Adequate control of the EU Recovery Plan is a key building block for sustainable investment in green modernisation and strengthens cohesion and citizens' trust in the EU. I am especially happy that we managed to strengthen the European institutions, enabling them to tackle the many challenges and opportunities of our times."



Responsible MEPs

Damian Boeselager
Damian Boeselager
Henrike Hahn
Henrike Hahn

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