Press release |

Future EU commissioners

Juncker must send EU governments back to drawing board to ensure gender balance

The Greens have expressed concern at the lack of female candidates nominated by EU member states for commissioner posts in the next European Commission (1). Commenting on the situation, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts stated:

“The dearth of female candidates nominated by EU governments for commissioner posts is extremely frustrating. Despite the European Parliament having made clear it will not accept a Commission college with too few female candidates, based on the current list, we would have fewer females than in the outgoing European Commission (1). This is both a blow for gender equality and a slight to the European Parliament.

"There is no shortage of excellent and highly-qualified women in EU member states. It would be a scandalous situation for the European Commission to take a step backwards as regards gender balance at its top level at a time when it is tasked with promoting equality across the EU. This is clearly unacceptable and incoming Commission president Juncker must send EU governments back to the drawing board.

“The European Parliament will hold hearings with the nominated candidates once they have been allocated portfolios. Each candidate will be scrutinised and only if all are suitable for their posts will the European Parliament support the entire Commission College. The Greens already have doubts about some of the candidates. However, MEPs have made very clear that they will not accept a gender imbalanced Commission, so Jean-Claude Juncker needs to urgently address this before presenting his candidates to the European Parliament.”

(1) With the 31 July deadline set by Jean-Claude Juncker for EU governments to present their nominations having expired, 24 member states have presented nominees so far. Only Sweden and the Czech Republic named female-only candidates, while Slovenia presented a list including two female candidates. Italy has presented a female candidate for the post of EU foreign policy high representative, who would also be a vice-president of the EU Commission if appointed. There are 9 female commissioners in the outgoing European Commission.


Position Paper
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash
Policy Paper
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Green jigsaw
Press release

Responsible MEPs

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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