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Europe needs solidarity, not tax giveaways

Future of Europe/Mark Rutte in the European Parliament

Ska Keller, Co-President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, comments on today's plenary debate with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on the future of the European Union:

“Mr Rutte might like to present himself as a man of the people by cleaning up some coffee. But on Europe, his vision is every man for himself.

“The Prime Minister is happy to give lectures to others about not keeping their budgets in order. But in continuing to position the Netherlands as one of Europe's top tax havens, and by blocking and delaying European action against tax avoidance, he is actively undermining the economies of his neighbours. 

“The European Union is not just a market place for corporations. It’s a place where people live and work and they need answers to the problems they face. Tackling unemployment, inequality and growing social insecurity must be our priority, not tax giveaways. Rather than pointing the finger at others, Mr Rutte would do well to consider how his own government is undermining solidarity across the EU.” 


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