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EU summit and Lisbon Treaty

Greens welcome emergence of strong female candidates for top EU posts

The path is now open for final ratification of the Lisbon Treaty following agreement between EU heads of state and government for a Czech opt-out on the Charter of Fundamental Rights, concluded at their summit in Brussels. Rebecca Harms and Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-presidents of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament, commented:

"At last we have a green light for Lisbon. The Treaty alone will not guarantee a renewed Europe – we also need a fresh approach from the people at the top. The Greens welcome that strong female candidates are at last being discussed as contenders for the EU's top jobs. There is no shortage of qualified candidates, such as Finnish President Tarja Halonen or former Latvian President Vaira V??e-Freiberga.

It would be a smart move for the EU to represent its newer member states among its top positions. The Lisbon Treaty can herald the dawn of a new era, one that should not be clouded by tired old discussions around the yesterday men of Europe."

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