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EU Budget must protect Welsh funding

Press release from Plaid MEP Jill Evans

Plaid MEP Jill Evans has insisted that vital funding for Wales must be protected in crucial decisions being taken this week on the future EU budget.  

MEPs meeting in Strasbourg are voting on the EU's budget for 2013 and for the longer term budget in the period 2014 - 2020.

The decisions have major implications for the level of structural funds and farming subsidies Wales will receive over the coming years.  

MEPs have called for a modest increase in the budget to protect vital EU funding, and for investment to promote jobs and growth.  

Commenting on the votes, the Plaid Cymru President said:  

"I have always voted to defend Wales' interests in Europe. It is vital that we work together to protect European funding that is so important for Wales' poorest communities, rural areas and whole economy.  

"We know that the UK government wants to slash the budget, which would be disastrous for Wales.  

"Over the coming years, West Wales and the Valleys is likely to once again qualify for the top level of EU funding. This funding can be used to create jobs and can build skills.  

"It's through this kind of investment that we can build a more prosperous future for our communities, not by following the cuts agenda of the London government."


Press release
Better Regulation

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Jill Evans
Jill Evans

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