Press release |

Brexit Withdrawal Agreement voted down

Quote from Philippe Lamberts

On the news that the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement has failed to pass the UK House of Commons for the second time in a massive defeat of 149 votes, Philippe Lamberts, President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament and Member of the Brexit Steering Group, comments:

"The Withdrawal Agreement has failed to pass the House of Commons once again and now it's time for the UK government to fundamentally re-assess its approach to Brexit. Under no circumstances can the UK be allowed to crash out of the EU without a deal in just 17 days. It would be an absolute dereliction of duty for the UK government to place British and EU citizens under such worrying circumstances and an affront to the Good Friday Agreement and peace on the island of Ireland.

"The UK needs to put serious proposals on the table to move past this current deadlock and give clarity, certainty and security to people and businesses on both sides of the Channel. The EU has gone to every length to try and accommodate the UK government's red lines and we cannot continue to witness Theresa May's travelling circus of Co2 and hot air to Brussels, London, Dublin and Strasbourg, so long as Westminster is unable to agree with itself.

"If the UK requests an extension to Article 50 and lays down a clear plan for overcoming the current impasse in the UK, then the EU-side should consider it. However, if the UK Parliament cannot come up with a serious plan, then the question must be put back to the people."


Press release

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Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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