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Ambiguous declaration of Catalan President opens room for dialogue


Commenting on the session in the Catalan Parliament this evening, Green co-presidents Ska Keller and Philippe Lamberts comment:

“President Carles Puigdemont opted for an ambiguous statement, leaving some room for dialogue. It is time to use this extra time to urgently promote dialogue. We call on the European Commission to step forward and take immediate action. Dialogue is the only solution to this complex situation. We strongly support the call of Barcelona's Mayor Ada Colau to avoid further escalation of the conflict, promote social cohesion and for immediate talks to begin in Catalonia. 

"A lot will depend now on the reaction of the Spanish government. We urge President Rajoy to find a political answer to the situation and to refrain from suspending Catalan autonomy or accelerating the criminal prosecution of members of the Catalan parliament and government. The possibilities opened by ambiguous declaration of the Catalan President should be used, and we urge all Catalan and Spanish leaders to joint efforts to make that possible."

Responsible MEPs

Ska Keller
Ska Keller
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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