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Europe 2020 agenda: a path or barrier to the Green New Deal?

Part 1 - 9.30 – 11.15: How to ensure the EU leads on green technologies?

  • Ditlev Engel - President and CEO, Vestas Wind Systems
  • Giuliano Monizza - Group Vice President Power Products and Power System, ABB
  • Harry Verhaar - Head of Strategic Sustainability Initiatives, Philips Lighting
  • Philip Cooke - Director, Centre for Advanced Studies

Part 2 - 11.15 - 13.00: What role for public and private investment in the Green New Deal?

  • Eoin McLoughlin - Comhar Sustainable Development Council
  • Blaise Desbordes - Director of Sustainable Development, Caisse de Dépôts
  • Guido Agostinelli - Senior Associate,Good Energies AG
  • Christophe De Winter - Executive Director - Project Finance BNP Paribas Fortis

Part 3 - 15.00 - 17.00: Is growth (even if it's green) sustainable?

  • Moderation: Leigh Phillips - Reporter, EU Observer
  • Bernd Meyer - Institute of Economic Structures Research
  • Tim Jackson - Professor of Sustainable Development and Director of the Research group on Lifestyles, Values and Environment (RESOLVE).


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