Press release |

Human rights

Creation of new EU human rights post and nomination of Lambrinidis welcomed

Commenting on the nomination of former EP vice-president and Greek foreign minister Stavros Lambrinidis to the newly created position of EU Special Representative for Human Rights (1), Greens/EFA co-president Dany Cohn-Bendit said:

“The creation of this new post is an important signal of the priority the EU gives to the promotion of and respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The nomination of such a high profile figure as Stavros Lambrinidis is most welcome and will help reinforce the effectiveness and visibility of the human rights dimension of EU external action."

(1) The creation of the new position of EU Special Representative for Human Rights was given the go-ahead by EU foreign ministers at their Council meeting on 28 June. Mr Lambrinidis' nomination was confirmed yesterday.


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