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Press release |

Food quality

EU Parliament bans meat glue

Commenting on today's European Parliament vote to ban on the use of meat glue (bovine and/or porcine thrombin) in food (1), Carl Schlyter, Vice-president of the Environment Committee said:

"We are happy that today the parliament banned the use of meat glue (Thrombin) in food. The Parliament was right to reject the European Commission's proposal to allow thrombin as an food additive, not because meat glue is dangerous for human health, but because the use of thrombin would mislead consumers regarding the quality of food. This vote gives hope that Parliament will continue to regulate other substances that combine meat products and thereby enhance food quality in Europe."

Note for editors:

1) Resolution on "Food additives other than colours and sweeteners (bovine and/or porcine thrombin)

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