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EU budget - own resources

MEPs set out stall for an own resources system of financing for the EU budget

The European Parliament temporary committee on the financial perspectives met today for the first time to discuss the post-2013 EU budget. The committee meeting signalled the European Parliament's resolve to pressure the European Commission to come forward with a proposal to create an own resources system for the EU budget. After the meeting, Green MEPs Bas Eickhout and Helga Truepel stated:

"We cannot continue with the unsatisfactory status quo as regards the financing of the EU budget. The dependence on member state treasuries imposes a stifling inflexibility on the EU budget. Only with a true system of own resources for the EU budget can this situation be resolved and it is welcome that a clear majority of MEPs are now in favour of this approach, which the Greens have long called for.

"Crucially, an own-resources system need and should not imply more financial burden for European citizens. A true own resources system would be revenue neutral and would provide much greater transparency over the EU and how it is run: a win-win situation for all."


Responsible MEPs

Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout
Helga Trüpel
Helga Trüpel

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