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EFA Group stament on the passing of Josep Maria Terricabras

The EFA Group mourns the passing of Josep Maria Terricabras, a former EFA President, and member of our political family whose legacy will forever endure. With profound sadness, we acknowledge and thank his contributions to the cause of social justice, Catalonia’s independence, and the pursuit of linguistic diversity.

Josep Maria Terricabras was not just a political figure; he was a beacon of integrity, wisdom, and unwavering commitment to the values we hold dear. His unwavering dedication to defending the most vulnerable left an indelible mark on many people and us.

Throughout his esteemed career, Josep Maria Terricabras embodied the principles of inclusivity, dialogue, and respect for diversity. As an academic, philosopher and politician, he fought for the right to self-determination, he championed the importance of cultural diversity and the empowerment of marginalised communities.

In his passing, we not only bid farewell to a cherished colleague but also reflect on the lessons he imparted. 

The EFA Group extends its deepest condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Josep Maria Terricabras. Que la terra et sigui lleu Terri,  Moltes gràcies per tot 

Jordi Solé MEP, President of the EFA Group, added: 

“With Terri - as everyone called him - I had the chance to work with him during two intense and tense years and a half (The Catalan Referendum and subsequent repression) in the European Parliament. “

“Beyond his immense intellectual value, I will always remember him as a good person, friendly to everyone, a good communicator, with a great sense of humour and very subtle irony, an intellectual who greatly enjoyed his time in politics at the European Parliament.”

“Someone you always listened to because he always had interesting reflections to share, a cultural and political activist with a critical and free spirit and a firm commitment to the country and its people. We will miss him.”

Diana Riba i Giner MEP, Spokesperson for Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya in the European Parliament, added: 

“The death of Josep Maria Terricabras is a great loss for culture, philosophy, intellectualism... “

“We lose one of the most lucid and brilliant minds. But above all, it is a loss for the country because Catalonia loses a person who tirelessly fought for freedom, justice, and human rights. A person who made us all better.”

“We will always remember him, especially all the lessons he leaves us forever and that we will apply both in our personal and political lives.”


Responsible MEPs

Diana Riba i Giner
Diana Riba i Giner
EFA President and first Vice President of the Greens/EFA Group
Jordi Solé
Jordi Solé

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