Press release |

A European solution is not automatically a good one


Greens/EFA co-presidents Ska Keller and Philippe Lamberts comment on the outcomes of the meeting between President Macron and Chancellor Merkel:
"It is good that President Macron and Chancellor Merkel agree on the need for a European solution to the challenge of migration and asylum. But a European solution is not automatically the right one. We need a solution based on solidarity and human rights.
"We need a common solution which a patchwork of deals between individual governments is not. The European Parliament has already set out plans to ease pressure on countries like Italy and Greece with a reform of the Dublin system. We need to base our common solution on a fair distribution among Member States, reliable sea rescue and we need to fight the causes of migration and not only talk about it.
"If France and Germany are to show real leadership, they need to reject ideas for camps at borders and be prepared to face down the right wing populists who want to mimic Trump's inhumane approach. They need to show unity against the toxic xenophobia that is gaining ground across Europe.”



Responsible MEPs

Ska Keller
Ska Keller
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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