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Time for being eco-logical

Moving beyond the 20% emission reduction target

General introduction

Presentation of interim results of study on moving beyond the 20% GHG emission reduction target  Michel Colombier - Director of IDDRI (Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations)

First session  "Should the EU move beyond its 20% emission reduction target?"

  • The position of the UK and the implementation of the UK climate law
    David Kennedy - Chief Executive UK Climate Change Committee 

  • Presentation by the European Commission on moving beyond 20%
    Stefaan Vergote - Head of Unit for Strategy and Economic Assessment / DG CLIMA

  • State of play in the European Parliament
    Bas Eickhout - MEP and Rapporteur on the "Moving beyond 20%" report

  • Debate (30 minutes)


Second session - "Opportunities and challenges of moving beyond the 20% target"

  • Sectoral policies and the potential of energy savings
    Wolfgang Eichhammer - Deputy Head Competence Centre Energy Policy and Energy Systems

  • Business views on implementation of climate policies

    • Marco Mensink - Deputy Managing Director of CEPI (European Paper Industries)
    • Sandrine Dixson - Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership
  • Debate (30 minutes)


Responsible MEPs

Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout

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