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UN climate report

UN climate panel will step up warnings on climate

Ahead of the offical publication of the report, informed sources gave already some details on this long-awaited study.

The report projects that world temperatures would rise by 2.0 to 4.5 degrees Celsius by 2100 unless drastic cuts are managed. This band of temperature is less extreme than in the IPCC's last report in 2001 which projected a wider possible range, of between 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius.

Even if the top extreme of this range went down, the inconvenient truth is that the 2.0 degrees Celsius target is now just at the bottom end of the range and it might therefore be difficult to be achieved.

Strong climate policies are urgently needed in order to avoid the very dangerous impacts of a global warming above 2 degrees Celsius.

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