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Solar thermal energy

European Solar Thermal Technology Platform begins work

Today 49% of the European energy demand is used for heating and cooling purposes, a large part of which could be produced using solar thermal systems.

Therefore the goal of this platform (ESTTP) is to establish solar thermal as the standard technology for heating buildings by 2030. Great potential is also seen in solar cooling as well as the industrial use of solar thermal energy. The platform is organised around 3 focus groups on solar heat for residential buildings, solar thermal energy for commercial applications and for questions on market development and perspectives.

Up until now, solar thermal energy has only played a subordinate role in European and national research programmes. The ESTTP, which is supported by the European Commission, aims to considerably increase the quantity of research programmes. The goal is the international technology leadership of European companies. The assumption is that the results of the ESTTP will significantly influence the future research programmes in the solar thermal energy sector.

As a result the costs for heating buildings using solar technologies will continue to fall in the next years and the share of solar thermal energy will considerably grow.

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