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Paper | Waste | Water

Paper, waste and water 

Given the European Parliaments daily consumption patters, paper recycling, water and waste reduction are priorities to be addressed by the Greens/EFA Working Group. Currently the focus is on a campaign to reduce the use of plastic bottles within the institution: 

Campaign: Scrap the plastic bottle

Bottled water causes many carbon emmissions during its production, packaging, recycling and transport. The Greens/EFA group pushed for replacing plastic bottles in meeting rooms with water fountains. This initiative was integrated in the CO2 Action Plan endorsed by the EP Bureau on 18 February 2009. A pilote project will be run in the Greens/EFA Meeting room as of March 2010. To find more about this initiative check the leaflet of the campaign.

If you would like to sign the petition to scrap the plastic bottle, just sent an Email to:


Waste collection

We advocate an optimisation of the collection system and the final treatment to move towards a complete waste management cycle. Until now 50% of the waste is either recycled, composted or reused. According to Greens/EFA this percentage has to be increased, in order to allow the Parliament to fulfill its role as an example for European public institutions!

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