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Outcome of the EU-Russia Summit held in The Hague on 25 November 2004

Greens/EFA motion for a resolution

Tabled by Joost Lagendijk, Bart Staes and Marianne Isler Beguin

on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group

The European Parliament,

– having regard to its previous resolutions on Russia and Chechnya and, in particular, its recommendation to the Council on EU-Russia relations of March 2004,

– having regard to the outcome of the 14th EU-Russia summit held in The Hague on 25 November 2005,

– having regard to the Commission Communication to the Council and the European Parliament of 11 March 2003 entitled 'Wider Europe–Neighbourhood: a new framework for relations with our eastern and southern neighbours',

- having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas the summit was due to focus mainly on the Four Common Spaces and the Road Maps for their implementation,

B. pointing out that the present situation in Ukraine after the massive fraud which took place during the first and second round of the presidential elections, with the EU on one side questioning the final results and Russia on the other recognising them, turned out to be at the core of the meeting and highlighted once more the deep differences existing between the two sides on the interpretation of democracy and the rule of law,

C. stressing that in previous summits the EU and Russia agreed to reinforce the strategic partnership on the basis of common values with the aim of consolidating stability, security and prosperity on the European continent,

D. pointing out the lack of any political perspective as regards the solution of the conflict in Chechnya, with persisting and widespread human rights violations, massive military operations and no possibility of access to media,

E. highly concerned, in this respect, at the attacks on human rights defenders in the context of the armed conflict in Chechnya and more generally at the restrictions on media freedom which are penalising the development of civil society,

F. whereas the EU after its last enlargement is deeply committed to the implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy as one of the top priorities of its external actions, with the subsequent further involvement in the resolution of the conflicts in Transdnistria and South Caucasus,

G. underlining that any further development in the building of a genuine strategic partnership must be linked to a concrete improvement in the present situation and that the values of democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights which are at the base of this partnership must be fully shared,

H. whereas the rift between the two sides has never been so deep and relations so strained in recent years,

1. Takes note of the limited results of the meeting, but welcomes the positive conclusion of the long-standing question of the extension of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement to the new EU Member States as well as progress in the field of education, with the agreement, in principle, on the foundation of a European Training Institute/College in Moscow;

2. Regrets that the Common Space of Freedom, Security and Justice does not include a strong human rights dimension that goes beyond the fight against terrorism, illegal immigration and organised crime;

3. Welcomes the ratification by the Duma of the Kyoto Protocol, which will thus enter into force in February 2005, and stresses the importance of the role that a fully-fledged democratic Russia could play on the global scene;

4. Reiterates its conviction that there is no military solution to the conflict in Chechnya; points out, in this respect, that the last elections, which were marred by widespread irregularities, did not contribute to the normalisation of the situation and that a lasting peace can only be achieved through political negotiations open to all the components of Chechnyan society;

5. Is convinced that the time has come for an overall evaluation of the relations between the EU and Russia, including the full implementation of all the clauses of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, which must be linked to concrete steps forward in the field of democracy and human rights upon which to base a genuine strategic partnership;

6. Calls on the Council and the Commission, in this regard, to make the most of the existing TACIS programmes so as to develop and strengthen projects designed to support the free media and civil society, and firmly to stress the issue of the protection of human rights defenders with their Russian counterparts;

7. Welcomes the Council's proposal for closer cooperation in crisis management and expects of Russia a more sincere and constructive attitude as regards the conflicts in Transdnistria and South Caucasus;

8. Welcomes the Council Joint Action aimed at reinforcing protection measures for fissile materials in Moscow, but once again draws attention to the situation of nuclear waste in the Barents Sea, in respect of which more stringent and effective action is urgently needed;

9. Expresses its deep concern at the latest developments in the Yukos case which represents a fundamental test for Russia's respect for the rule of law, property rights, transparency and a fair and open market for investors;

10. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Member States and the President and parliament of the Russian Federation.

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