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Nuclear error since 1957

EU Commission to receive 630 000 signatures against nuclear

The Commissioner for energy, A. Piebalgs, will get an anti-nuclear present on the nuclear treaty's 50th birthday.

On Friday 23rd March – two days before the EU's 50th anniversary and the 50th anniversary of the pro-nuclear Euratom Treaty, European Energy Commissioner Piebalgs will receive 27 unhappy birthday presents from anti-nuclear campaigners. Each gift box will be laden with petitions calling for an abolition of the Euratom Treaty and a phase out of nuclear power across Europe.
Piebalgs will receive more than 630,000 signatures from individuals and more than 750 from organisations from all over Europe.

The action will take place outside the European Commission's Berlaymont building, Rue de la Loi, 200, Brussels on Friday March 23rd at 11:00.
You can already join a group of about fifty long-distance walkers and cyclists at the end of a march that began in Lille on Saturday March 17th, protesting against the planned Flamanville nuclear power plant. The group will arrive outside the Berlaymont at around 10am, having set off from Dilbeek (west of Brussels) at 8am that morning.

The organisations leading this event are: the European Petition Campaign against Nuclear Power; atomstopp (Austria), Friends of the Earth Europe (EU/Brussels), GLOBAL 2000 (Austria), Reseau Sortir du Nucleaire (France), WISE - World Information Service on Energy (Netherlands), Women against Nuclear Power (Finland).

The signatories of the petition ask the European Commission to:

1) Stop or prevent the construction of new nuclear power plants and facilities in the European Union;

2) Launch a plan to abandon nuclear power within the European Union;

3) Invest massively in energy saving and the development of renewable energies; and

4) End the Euratom Treaty which massively supports nuclear power in Europe by means of public funding.

The Euratom Treaty was established in 1957, alongside the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Economic Community. Unlike the other founding agreements, which have been adjusted as the EU has matured, Euratom remains unchanged since 1957. Through Euratom, the EU continues to give preferential financial support to nuclear energy. Decisions about the Euratom budget are made without democratic input, as the European Parliament is given only a consultative role.


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