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Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

One month to go before the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster

On April 25th-26th, 1986 the World's worst nuclear power accident occurred at Chernobyl (former USSR, now Ukraine).The Chernobyl nuclear power plant located 80 miles north of Kiev had 4 reactors and whilst testing reactor number 4 numerous safety procedures were disregarded. At 1:23am the chain reaction in the reactor got out of control creating explosions and a fireball which blew off the reactor's heavy steel and concrete lid.
The Chernobyl accident killed more than 30 people immediately and thousand others afterwards. As a result of the high radiation levels in the surrounding 20-mile radius, 135,000 people had to be evacuated!
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of this nuclear disaster, the Greens will organise various events. Some of the major events can already be announced:

  • The Greens in the EP have posted several questions to the Commission about the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster
  • The release of a new study on the consequences of the Chernobyl accident on 6th April in Berlin and on 7th April in Brussels
  • The exhibition "The human cost of nuclear catastrophe" showing photos of the people still living in the worst contaminated areas by Robert Knoth in The European Parliament opening at Tuesday 18 April at 1pm.
  • The "Chernobyl +20 - Remembrance for the future" international conference which will take place on 23-25 April in Kiev, Ukraine

More information and documents will be made available in the coming weeks on your stopclimatechange.net website.

Chernobyl + 20

Consequences of the Chernobyl disaster

Information on Tschernobyl + 20

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